How to Protect Kids from Social Media Dangers with Android Spy App

It would not be wrong to declare social media as a dual-faceted technology because it comes with both perks and perils.
While it enables users to get introduced with people across the world, it also puts them in risk by exposing them to cyber bullies, predators, scammers, sex offenders and online criminals. The teenagers are more probable to become victim of the potential dangers of social networking platforms.
The excessive and unsupervised use of social apps can put negative influence on the mental, physical and psychological health of teens and tweens. Parents are needed to monitor the social media activities of their children to ensure their online security.
This article discusses how monitoring and spy tools enable parents to protect their children from the menaces of the social media world.
Most Common Social Media Dangers
Most of the social networking platforms are not meant for younger children. Even then these platforms are being used by kids between the ages of 12 and 17. These underage social media users have been experiencing harassment and molestation.
We have rounded up here the most common social media dangers that have been affecting teen’s lives in the most unpleasant way.
Cyber Bullying
The traditional bullying has been replaced by online bullying in which the harasser can keep his/her identity hidden. The persecutors take advantage of social media platforms to frequently harass, offend and humiliate the target.
They send threatening messages and make humiliating and offending posts and comments on social media platforms to tease the victim. Many teenage cyber bullying victims have committed suicide, while many other have been suffering from mental and psychological heath issues.
Online Child Predation
The adult social media users pose to be teenagers and trap other teenage boys and girls for sexual exploitation. They gather information about the target from Facebook and other social media platforms and trap the victim with flattery, attention and gifts. Most of the child predators exploit younger boys and girls for producing photos and videos related to child porn.
Scamming or Hacking
The social media platforms fail to provide any process to verify the authenticity of the user. Anyone can create an account on Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform using a fake name and identity. The scammers and hackers take advantage of this loophole and trap kids for monetary gain.
Android Spy App for Social Media Monitoring
The technologists have developed spy app to monitor social media usage of children. The social media monitoring enables parents to ensure their kids’ security in the online world. When you would be aware of your kid’s online activities, it would be more convenient to rescue them from bullies and predators.
TheOneSpy Android spy app enables parents to remotely and secretly supervise activities performed on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Skype, Hike, Hangout, Line, Viber, Tumblr, Telegram, Tinder, Kik, Zalo, IMO and Yahoo messenger. Once you install the spy app on the android mobile phone of your kid, you can monitor and operate that phone via online control panel of TheOneSpy. By signing into the online portal of the spy app, you can have all the social media activities of your kids in front of you.
Monitor Facebook
The android spy app lets you monitor Facebook chats, calls, media files, posts, friend-list and follower-list. You can also record Facebook activities of your kids by sending command of screen recording via online control panel.
Monitor Instagram
The photos and videos posted and shared by your children on Instagram can remotely be monitored with the help of spy app. You can also see comments made on these posts to find out any embarrassing or offending comments.
Monitor Snapchat
Snapchat has turned out to be the biggest platform facilitating sexting. The users take advantage of self-deleted messaging to exchange sexually explicit photos and videos. The android spy app automatically starts recording screen of the monitored android phone as your kid starts using Snapchat. It lets you monitor Snapchat chats and activities to keep your kid from wrongdoings.
Monitor WhatsApp
The messages, calls, photos, videos, statuses, locations, links and voice recordings exchanged by your children via WhatsApp messenger can be monitored with android monitoring app.
The android spy app of TheOneSpy lets you monitor every single activity performed on the most popular social media apps and instant messengers.