Why Your Business Absolutely Needs A YouTube Channel

I know you’ve heard of YouTube. It’s the largest video sharing website online today and the second largest search engine. The website generates nearly 5 billion video views every day!
Even with all of this popularity, mechanics, beauty salons, and others that could benefit greatly from creating a YouTube channel simply aren’t doing it, and that could be the biggest mistake of their careers.
Why Are Business Owners Hesitant To Create A YouTube Channel?
Most business owners can quickly come up with a few reasons why they don’t have a YouTube channel off the tops of their heads. Most of them are simply repeating the next with the following concerns:
I Don’t Know The First Thing About Creating A Channel
As human beings, we like to do things that we are comfortable with. So, digging into something new can be discouraging. Nonetheless, YouTube provides a highly intuitive platform that is very easy to use. Not to mention, there are tons of articles online that can teach you how to create a YouTube channel in no time flat.
I Don’t Have A Good Camera
There’s a misconception going around that you need expensive equipment to shoot a high-quality video. That’s simply not the case. The truth of the matter is that technology has given us amazing things.
For most of us, one of those things is a high definition video camera nestled right in the tops of our cell phones. These cameras are what many of the videos we watch on YouTube every day are recorded with. In fact, some argue that many cell phone cameras are better than camcorders that are sold for similar prices.
I Don’t Know How To Shoot A Video
Shooting a video from the perfect angle takes skill. However, it doesn’t have to be perfect to be successful, as long as your videos are uniquely you, well, that’s likely going to be enough!
Why Your Business Needs A YouTube Channel
YouTube is often thought of as a tool for comedians, musicians, and other artists, not as a business advertising platform. Nonetheless, there are tons of businesses that owe much of their success to the website. However, the way that people digest content is changing, and words on a pretty background just isn’t cutting it anymore.
These days, consumers want to consume video content, and the trend is expected to continue. In fact, according to Cisco, by the year 2021, 82% of internet traffic is expected to be consumers watching videos. That means that your standard website will only be attractive to about 18% of your audience!
As the trend grows, more professional marketers are hopping on board as well. A recent study shows that more than 40% of business to consumer marketing professionals agree that video is the most successful form of advertising.
Here’s the bottom line:
Without investing time and effort into creating a YouTube channel, you’re likely already losing money and those losses will grow. The bottom line is that consumers want to consume more video content. By giving them what they want, your business will thrive.
Don’t Believe Me? Ask These YouTube Successes
There are plenty of professionals out there that made their name on YouTube. In fact, I’ve even hired an accountant after watching his video on the platform. Here are some of my favorite success stories:
Michelle Phan – As one of the earlier members of YouTube to create tutorials, Michelle Phan had a pretty slow start to her YouTube Career. Focusing on makeup tutorials, Michelle has built her YouTube channel into an enterprise. Today, she even owns the Ipsy line of makeup that raised $100 million in 2015.
Luxy Hair – Luxy Hair is a hair extensions company. However, instead of working to advertise and sell hair extensions, they went on to create videos that showed how easy it was to put extensions in hair. In the description of their video, the company included a link to their website where extensions could be purchased. Today, Luxy Hair is a massive enterprise with more than 3 million subscribers on its YouTube channel.
The Takeaway
The takeaway here is a relatively simple one. YouTube is becoming the go-to place to market just about any product. The key is to be innovative. Don’t just create a video that says “Here’s my product, here’s where to buy it.”
Create a tutorial or another video that teaches the information-hungry online viewers what they want to learn.
Don’t let discomfort associated with not knowing how to make videos or create a channel hold you back from turning your business into an enterprise.