What You Need To Know About Neurasthenia?

What we have come to know as a condition characterized by physical and mental fatigue, dizziness, headaches,other pains, concentration difficulties, sleep disturbance, and memory loss summarizes neurasthenia.
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Neurasthenia is still perceived to be a vague Illness.
However its primary symptoms are expressed by chronic and abnormal fatigue, moderate depression, inability to concentrate without getting distracted by a myriad of diversions, loss of appetite, insomnia, and other symptoms.
The secondary symptoms you f this disorder are too generalized that they are viewed as ill-defined. These secondary symptoms are including headaches, muscle aches and pain, dizziness, weight loss, irritability, inability to relax, anxiety, impotence, “a lack of ambition,” lethargy, insomnia or hypersomnia, “racing heart”, and excessive sweating.
Now that we have an idea of what neurasthenia is all about, it is safe to find the cause of this mental disorder.
The history of Neurasthenia goes back to as far back as the 19th Century, then neurasthenia was the name for weakness of the physical nerves. Findings show that it was first used to depict the mechanical weakness of the actual nerves in 1829.
An author,Simon Wessely wrote this about neurasthenia and ME in the essay, Old wine in new bottles: neurasthenia and ‘ME’, I quote:
“Evidence is presented of the striking resonances between neurasthenia and ME. A simple explanation is that clinicians in both the modern and Victorian periods are describing a similar neurobiological syndrome, of excessive fatigability: supported by the similarity of the clinical case histories. Current medical research into the relationship of viruses to fatigue states (Yousef et al. 1988), which is of undeniable importance, may therefore be seen as an renewed effort to solve a clinical problem common to both contemporary and nineteenth century medicine. Such work attempts to answer the question posed by Wechsler (1930): ‘The suspicion is justified that “true” neurasthenia is an organic disease in the sense that as yet undemonstrable pathologic changes are the cause of the symptom and not the result of psychogenic processes. How much truth there is in such a view only further studies will determine.’ However, further studies have failed to fully answer the question, and will continue to fail as neither neurasthenia nor ME fits into such a simple medical model.”
Whether neurasthenia is a medical condition still remains debatable because the term, neurasthenia,is no longer recognized as a diagnosis by the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
However, up till the year 2006, the World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases still recognized neurasthenia as a diagnosis under the diagnostic code F48.
Although it has since derecognized and removed its definition from the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) World Health Organization’s which is yet to be in global use.