What To Look For In Blogs For Guest Posting?

If you are a digital marketer you surely would have tried out guest posting services from time to time. No matter how stringent does Google define its norms for ranking in the search results, it is impossible and quite unlikely to attract backlinks naturally.
Inevitably, the bloggers and businesses rely on the guest posting services for building a good backlink profile.
Guest posting and backlinking does have a limited risk factor involved at all times. Having said that, the risk could enlarge when the backlinks are fetched from PBNs and other link farming websites. This could result in penalizing your website or in severe cases, even killing the domain.
A Blog With High Domain Authority Is The Best
While you begin with your hunt for the blogs to outreach and collaborate with, the first thing you should be looking for is the authority of their domain. A number of tools are available online for you to make use of, without having to spend a single penny.
Nevertheless, the domain authority is just a metric measurement and is not completely authentic. You need to consider a few other factors to determine if the blog you are partnering up with is genuine. We’ll be discussing these factors further in this article.
For now, you need to understand that good domain authority, when supported by other metric measurements, can give you the best idea of the blog’s genuinity. And you know it, the higher the authority, the better the blog is.
In other words, you should go for as higher authority as possible. But, of course, the higher authority also means that the blogger is gonna quote you a higher price for availing their guest posting services. We are accepting Multi-Niche blog related content on our website at theguestblogging.com.
You Need Link Juice And Not Link Junk. Steer Clear Of PBNs
You know exactly how bad the situation can get if you link your website to a PBN. All you need for your blog is good quality real links that provide your blog with higher authority and healthy referral traffic.
PBNs do not just harm the authority but also jeopardize your blog’s existence. There are heavy penalties for acquiring links from PBNs and it could lead to shutting down of the website, in worse case scenarios.
Even worse, the PBNs depict a higher turnaround of the investments, which can be foolhardy to mistake for white label SEO practices. All you need for your website is good link-juice and not junk.
Trust Flow Is The New Metric For Rating The Blogs
A new metric that all the SEO agencies are also incorporating into their services and campaigns is the Trust Flow, alias TF. This is again a metric measurement for websites and webpages used to estimate how likely the user is to engage with the content on the page.
Trust flow combined with domain authority can prove to be a really good combination for determining the genuineness of the blog. But, then again, the case with the blogs having higher trust flow is similar to that of high authority domains. The higher the trust flow, the higher blogger would charge you for using their guest posting services.
You need to understand one thing that all these metrics are just an estimate, and there’s no claim from Google that these metrics make your SEO campaign effective. All of these metrics are developed and trusted based on years of SEO practices and tested campaigns.
Organic Traffic Justifies The Authority Of The Blog
The only factor that makes sense to all the bloggers looking for backlinks. All you need for your website is to gain traffic. As long as your blog has high traffic, money keeps on rolling in, and it does not matter much whether you rank first or tenth in the search results.
You should look for the organic traffic that a blog has. Let me clear the clouds for you- organic traffic is the natural traffic that a website receives through relative keywords when searched on a search engine. Pretty simple to understand now, this proves that the website that is receiving healthy traffic just through organic search results would surely be a high authority website.
In the article entitled “Buy Guest Posts On Real Blogs With 1000+ Organic Monthly Traffic” from SEO Jet, Adam White explains that one way to make link building as effective as possible is to use blogs that get quality, organic traffic. As obvious as it may sound now, you should surely incorporate this term into your filters whenever you look for blogs for link building.
Make Use Of The Wayback Machine
We have been discussing the PBNs and link farms, but the crucial call is to recognize one. These networks have high DA and TF, and naturally high traffic as well. Thus, they can easily be confused with genuine blogs.
Imagine if you are appearing for an interview, and your CV shows that you have not been consistent with any of your jobs in the past. Naturally, the interviewer would assume you to be an irresponsible asset for the company. The same is true with blogs and websites as well. Not exactly, but closely related to the statement I made.
A website that used to be a lifestyle blog in the past then turned into a tech blog, and then to a legal orientation, would surely be an irresponsible one. This is the only and the most crucial trait that these link farms and PBNs depict. You can make use of the Wayback machine tool to analyze the history of the domain, you are considering to associate your blog with.
Critically, all your efforts for link building won’t prove fruitful, but you need to be consistent with your efforts. Filter the blogs that you reach out using some of these ideas and surely your returns would improve. All you need is to rank your website amongst the top rankers in a search result for your relevant keyword. And to maintain this consistency, you need to outreach the blogs that can relate to your area of operation, with a high value on the world wide web.