
Common Mistakes People Make While Hiring A Website Designer?

A website is the pivot for marketing strategy so the right choice of a web designer will be a smart decision, otherwise you will get lost in the sea of 1.3 billion sites.

You can’t trust yourself to lose sales or Dent your repo using a not very impressive website. You are savvy, you know that your business is not to build websites so you have to hire a professional. When you sign the contract check that you don’t make the Market presence YouTube know your functional requirements mistakes.

1. You Don’t Know Your Functional Requirements

How can you get the right website if you don’t have an idea of your requirements, not technical requirements but functionality and outcomes. Hire a web designer, consult your Core Team to know the requirements of your business. You can group the requirements into three groups:

  • have now
  • Have within a time frame
  • Good to have

Now tell your requirements to the web designers to be selected. Focus that they can at least meet out the first two categories.

2. You Are Not Disclosing Your Business Objectives And Strategy

It makes more sense when the website requirements are presented along with business objectives and Strategies. This allows the design team to work and collaborate effectively to reach your goals.

3. You Don’t Know That They Are Developers Also

Earlier the web designers used to provide only the look and feel and the site work was done by the programmer. These two skill sets have been dissolved in recent years.

They are intertwined functionally, no need to hire a web designer who wants a web developer to be hired also, no need to manage two vendors.

4. Not Checking Their Own Website

The designers are so busy building other websites that they have no time to manage their own website. So hire a professional who shows his ability and talent through his website.

5. Paying Less Than The Going Rate

You will get low quality work, or you will encounter Re work if you don’t pay the going rate.

6. You Have Not Checked The References

Enquire for three people they have worked with in the past years. You will come to know after talking to the references.

  • If they want to use the web services again and why?
  • Were there any issues regarding quality, schedule, budget and how the designer responded to them.
  • How satisfied they are with the outcomes.

If their reply satisfies you then you are on the right track.

7. You Don’t Know The Maintenance Cost And The Process

Before starting the project understand what is involved in maintenance. Many time websites are left to stale out as there was no maintenance planning.

8. You Are Not Getting A CMS (Content Management System)

Before hiring a web designer make sure that the site includes a CMS. CMS enables anyone to add new content and monitor the comment section.

9. You Are Not Getting A Dynamic Mobile Friendly Site

Dynamic sites create flexibility as to how and when the content is being displayed and it carries images, text and how the page appears in the files other than page file. Insist your designer for a site that is easy and attractive to use on mobiles and desktops.

10. You Have Not Tested The Site Yourself

Professional designers always include site testing. So don’t think you need not test the site . Before hiring make sure that you need to test the site twice, firstly in a test environment and secondly when it is live.

You should not commit these mistakes while hiring a good web designer, there are many good companies that provide best results.

Digital Deployment is a website design company in Sacramento providing local city government websites and municipal government web design services. Use these above mentioned mistakes as a checklist before you start a project.

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