
4 Digital Platforms That Could Be Compromising Your Cybersecurity And How To Be Safer Online

One of the primary advantages of using the internet and modern digital platforms is making life more efficient. Do you want to buy yourself a brand-new pair of trainers that have only just been launched on the market? In 2022, you no longer have to take a walk down your local high street, and you can get them delivered to your doorstep thanks to online e-commerce platforms. 

However, there are certainly downsides to using digital platforms since they tend to hold a vast array of data, and your personal data can easily be breached. You ought to be wary about using digital platforms that have experienced significant data breaches and customer scams in the past to avoid your personal data being hacked.

Today, online platforms have CRM systems capable of holding large amounts of customer data. Here we’ve come on with a guide on digital platforms that could be compromising your cybersecurity and how to be safer online. Carry on reading to discover more.

Social Media Platforms

A report released in October 2021 found a staggering 4.5 billion+ social media users worldwide. The key to staying safe on social media sites is not oversharing your data and information and the powers in your hands regarding the information you provide to social media sites.

Suppose you tell Meta Inc (formerly named Facebook) or Twitter all your personal data by inputting things such as the educational institutions you attended, your home address, or where you work. In that case, you’re leaving yourself open to devastating consequences should your data ever get breached.

To stay safe and look after your personal data, ensure that the social media platform you’re using doesn’t use your cookies to track your online browsing history without asking for your consent. Have you rejected cookies but still find personalised ads popping up when you use a social media platform based on your search history? In which case, it may be wise to consider stopping using that specific social media platform to be safe online and take care of your personal cybersecurity.

E-commerce Platforms

Customers using e-commerce platforms are particularly vulnerable to cybersecurity breaches since buying products online involves putting your credit or debit card details into the platform’s database. Looking after your bank details and doing all you can to avoid them getting stolen should be of paramount importance to you.

There’s nothing more irritating than having your hard-earned money stolen by cybersecurity scams online. eBay is an example of one e-commerce platform that suffered a cybersecurity attack back in 2014 that compromised customer data. The company even went as far as coming out publicly to encourage its customers to change their passwords.

Make sure the e-commerce platform you’re thinking of using has satisfactory security requirements in place for customers. For example, many online transactions nowadays have extra security measures, requiring you to use a card reader device or to approve transactions by logging into the bank provider’s app.

Unsure about whether to trust an e-commerce platform? Take a look at different customer review sites online and look out for any concerns regarding the security of customers’ data. However, remember that online customer review sites aren’t always 100% reliable.

Collaborative Platforms

The purpose of collaborative online platforms, such as Slack, Google G suite (includes Google Mail, Google Calendar, Google Meets, Google Drive, Google Docs), and Microsoft teams, is to facilitate remote working. Collaborative online platforms allow employees working from different parts of the world to communicate with one another as if they were together in the office.

Examples of work tasks on collaborative platforms can include important editing documents, managing team projects, and team meetings. However, some collaborative tools fail to back up your data adequately. Thankfully, there are many helpful g suite backup solutions out there, so if you use these tools, you can ensure that your data is backed up correctly. You don’t want to lose work that you’ve spent a long time on producing.

Maps And Tracking Platforms

Apps such as Google Maps are handy as they allow you to navigate your way to destinations the quickest route possible by using your smartphone device. However, turning on your location for Google Maps will mean that Google will constantly know your location and exactly where you are.

The Find My iPhone app is something else that could come in handy if you ever lose your iPhone. However, it also means that other people can track you down very easily, which can lead to undesired behaviours by other people, such as stalking.

Common Sense Can Help You To Stay Safe Online

A significant part of keeping yourself safe online can undoubtedly involve applying some common sense. For instance, changing your password regularly, avoiding using overly obvious passwords, not giving away too much of your personal information, and not always accepting cookies when browsing online. 

The internet is full of dangers, and cybersecurity breaches are increasingly common nowadays. So here we’ve provided 4 examples of digital platforms that could be compromising your safety and tips on how you can be safer online.

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