4 Reasons to Deploy Enterprise-Grade File Sync Software

A few years ago, the office was the only place where employees could access, share, and collaborate on critical business data. Fast forward to today’s highly digitized world, they can do so from anywhere and anytime, all thanks to the proliferation of digital devices and software solutions, such as file synchronization software.
Businesses meaning to deploy file sync and sharing solutions can now integrate a consumer-grade or an enterprise-grade file sync solution. While both options have definite advantages, here are the reasons why an enterprise-grade file sync software is a much better option.
Enterprise-Level Sync Solutions are More Secure
Although consumer-grade sync solutions are cheaper, they’re a recipe for a costly data breach. Since they lack centralized management, business owners and system administrators usually have no control over which user devices can or cannot sync with the organization’s system. They also lack control over the organizational data shared or modified inside and outside the enterprise.
This puts the business at risk because the more the number of personal devices connecting to the corporate system, the easier it becomes for cybercriminals to penetrate it.
Enterprise-grade file sync software, on the other hand, offers not only centralized management but also robust encryption. Therefore, system admins get full control over which devices can log into the organization’s system. Other than that, an enterprise-grade file synchronization software boasts activity and audit logging features. Such features offer full visibility into the work files and data that employees access, modify, or share.
Enterprise-level sync solutions also allow users to set an expiry date on shared files, prevent multiple downloads and get notifications whenever the files are downloaded. As a result, it becomes easier for admins to ensure organizational data is being shared with the right people.
Data Loss Prevention
Without centralized management, the system admin cannot protect data from being lost. This is because the admin mostly has no idea what files employees are accessing, modifying, or deleting.
With enterprise-level solutions, admins can keep track of all data changes and know what to do in case critical work data is deleted. They can also conduct remote wipes in case an employee loses a device that was connected to the system and has sensitive organizational data.
Prevent Lawsuits
A data breach isn’t always as a result of unknown hackers, it can also be as a result of your employees sharing confidential files with third parties. Due to the lack of visibility in consumer-grade solutions, employees can easily share sensitive data without the administrator’s knowledge. This puts your business in trouble as it breaks privacy agreements with clients and stakeholders.
With enterprise-level file synchronization software, you don’t have to worry about that because administrators have full control over data being shared inside and outside.
Also, if sensitive files are modified, deleted, or shared without authorization, admins can always conduct a complete audit trail to see when this happened, and as such, identify the mastermind.
Proper Compliance
It’s your responsibility as a business owner to protect consumer and organizational data. You need to ensure that any software you use is compliant with data security policies such as PCI, HIPAA, and SOX.
Since most consumer-grade solutions are designed for general use, they often don’t comply with such policies. With enterprise software like Endura data, on the other hand, you don’t have to worry as it’s fully compliant with all relevant data laws.
It’s estimated that by 2024, EFSS will have a global market value of over $5.4 billion. However, this is no surprise because, as shown above, enterprise-level file synchronization software like Endura data boasts cutting-edge features that enhance business productivity and continuity.