Engines to Self-Driving Cars – How Technology Has an Impact on Automobiles

Things Have Improved A Great Deal Since Steam Powered Engines
If there is something that perfectly fits the definition of ‘revolutionary’, it is Technology. Technology is something we have become so used to, that we don’t even notice it is all around us. However, the latest technology in one era becomes a household technology in other.
This innovative course in technology is accredited with the technology itself because it offers so much room for improvement that it becomes inevitable to replace the older technology with a newer one.
The automobile industry is the outcome of the technology itself. Volkswagen, automation of car assembling process to the latest autonomous cars, technology is on exhibition at every step. You must consider Tooley Imports Australia If you are looking for spare parts of Volkswagen.
Technology enjoys an intimate relationship with the automobile industry. Cars have always been indebted to technology thanks to its excessive use in the former’s production. Let us discover how the automotive technology lends a helping hand at each and every phase a car goes through.
Engines to Self-Driving Cars – How Technology Has an Impact on Automobiles
Manufacturing; Starting From the Scratch
This is where the story starts. Manufacturing is the most crucial phase in the whole lifespan of a car. The manufacturing phase comprises of the acquisition or production of different parts of the car, their assembling into one unit and ultimately finishing.
There was a time when it took days to assemble a car, however, things have improved dramatically since. Now it does not take more than a few minutes to assemble a car, thanks to the robotic technology and the assembly line.
Automation is undoubtedly becoming the rule of thumb for the upcoming generation of cars. If you happen to visit a car manufacturing unit, you will witness the expertise of giant robots in handling and befitting the parts of a vehicle. These techy robots have shared the burden of work to a great extent and the best part is that they never get tired.
Technology Laden Safety Features
There would be no utility of technology if it had not contributed towards the safety of drivers and passengers. Nevertheless, technology has left a permanent mark in the provision of safety features in the cars. In fact, safety bears the largest impact of technology in automobiles.
Now we see cars laden with the techy safety features such as parking assistant, anti-lock braking systems, air-bags, traction control, and autonomous emergency braking system etc. These features have significantly reduced the unfortunate accidents and resulting injuries and casualties.
Technology ensures the removal of human error or and carelessness from the equation of driving, thus limiting the chances of a crash. There are many upcoming technologies bound to enhance the driving experience terrifically.
Engines Turned Smart
Engines are like the backbone to the vehicles, hence they grab a special attention from technology enthusiasts. Not very long ago, engines were expected only to run the vehicle and nothing else. However, the modern era demands much more from engines than just power.
Therefore, automakers are equipping the engines with more and more technological features in order to render them matchless. Now, many things come into consideration while thinking about engines such as performance, efficiency, fuel type, and flexibility to accommodate autonomous valves etc.
Many advanced engines can be seen residing under the bonnets of many latest cars. These include Camless Engines, Diesel Engines, Petrol engines, Hybrid Engines, Direct Injection Turbo Engines, Opposed Piston Opposed Cylinder (OPOC) based engines and Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) enabled engines. Technology has also empowered the engines to exhibit Cylinder Deactivation and Reactivation facility which reduces the fuel consumption manifolds.
Artificial Intelligence enabled Autonomous Cars
Technology is at its best in autonomous cars the automobile industry is the forerunner in benefitting from the artificial intelligence. There is a competition in the giant automakers around the world to roll out autonomous or driverless cars. Even the tech giants such as Apple Inc. and Google have jumped on the bandwagon in pursuing the dream of leading the race of autonomous cars.
These technology-laden highly-advanced cars will boast some of the finest features you could only fancy in imagination. Driverless autonomous cars are an offshoot of artificial intelligence, which enables them to roam around the city roads without any physical driver on the driving seat.
In addition to that, AI is also helping with engine management, the Internet of Things, and insurance risk assessment supported by the improved infotainment system. Therefore, if you ever happen to find yourself seeing a driverless car overtaking yours, do not freak out because it was not a ghost, but AI at work.
Electric Vehicles
Technology is doing wonders in every field and Electric Cars are no exception. Electric Vehicles, abbreviated as EVs, are bringing the future to your doorstep. Fossil fuels have always been the best friend of man until it was realized that they are perilous for the environment.
Solutions to reduce the dependence on fossil fuels were sought after and once again technology came to the rescue. E-cars have a very optimistic future ahead where they are likely to replace all the fossil fuel based cars.
What EVs do is that instead of running on diesel or petrol, they run on a rechargeable electric battery. This car works simply like a mobile phone, you run it as long as there is charge in the battery and you recharge it as it gives you a signal of low battery. The charge is employed to power an electric motor which energizes the wheels to move.>