Follow These Simple Steps If Your Kindle Is Giving You Grief

If you are a Kindle user, you would know that its internet connectivity is dependent entirely on WiFi.
Also, it prevents you from setting up an internet connection through your mobile hotspot or any such method. So, when using the Kindle, you have no option but to have a good enough WiFi connection if you want the convenience of the internet on your Kindle.
However, Kindle users in recent times have been experiencing problems even with WiFi connectivity which is a major concern. So, we decided to do some research and find some solutions to fix the problem of Kindle won’t connect to WiFi issue that seems to be growing in frequency.
If you are one of those individuals whose Kindle won’t connect to WiFi, then this piece is definitely for you. We have put together all the tips and guidelines here for your benefit. Read on to find out how you can get the WiFi on your Kindle running smoothly.
Turn Off and Restart Your Kindle
This is the first thing to do if your WiFi is being problematic on your Kindle. Switch it off by holding down the power button for a few seconds. Take around 5 minutes before turning it on again. See if it connects to the Wi-Fi now.
Reset Your Internet Router
If nothing happens by restarting your Kindle and the problem still persists, then try resetting your Internet router. That may or may not be possible. In case this cannot be done, then modify your router’s IP address.
Most routers have an IP address in the DHCP range. Try changing it to a static IP address to see if the problem gets resolved. All you have to do is turn off the router and clear all DHCP records from it.
Restore the Default Settings or Factory Settings on Your Kindle
This might be the oldest trick in the book but it works most of the time. In fact, research has proven that a large number of issues arising in portable devices can be resolved by simply going back to its factory settings.
Do this with your Kindle too and the chances are high that all your Wi-Fi connectivity woes will be gone.
Software Update
Older software might make it troublesome for you to connect to the Wi-Fi. So, get your Kindle software updated to the latest version if possible. This should be easy to do and won’t take long. Once you are done with it, the Wi-Fi should connect easily.
Keep Your Device Well-Charged
A low battery can often cause a number of problems for your Kindle that go beyond the lack of Wi-Fi connectivity. So, do not let the battery go too low and avoid leaving it near empty as much as possible.
This might be why your Kindle won’t connect to Wi-Fi because the signal strength is also affected by low battery so keep an eye on it when using your device.
Get In Touch With Your Internet Service Provider
If none of the above-mentioned remedies work for you, then it is best to get in touch with your Internet Service Provider to see if the issue is at their end.
Also, contact your manufacturer and support services provider so that any potential problems with your device can be fixed.