5 Things You Should Know Before Buying A Used Phone!

Being a gadget-savvy, you might argue that the fun of having the used phone is nothing compared to the excitement of removing the layers of brand new mobile phone that look irresistible and glamorous. However, buying a new phone might be a viable option every time.
More so, if you are a techie and self-proclaimed gadget-lover who’s always in quest of buying the new and updated models, you wouldn’t want to shell out money every time on new models.
With that, buying a used mobile phone is way more economical than having a new phone every time, especially when they are in no mood to splurge on the sumptuous mobile phones. Considering this, here are 5 things you need to keep in mind before buying a used phone.
Your Used Phone Will Not Be From Stolen Ones
Even if there’s a grab-on offer on the used phones or you are lured on a steal deal, buying a device that is stolen is a big NO! Why getting in trouble with the officials for spending bucks on the device that is reported as missing or stolen.
Therefore, to safeguard yourself from such hassles, ask about the copy of the bill. Make sure that the bill shows the buyer’s name along with other necessary details like date and year of purchase, the name of the store and more.
Technical Specifications:
Don’t just hop on buying the phone that looks beautiful and comes with impressive features. Instead, also check the technical specifications that meet your buying needs. Look for the features like the camera (back and front), integration of social media applications and more.
Do check out how many megapixels does the camera offer, does the front camera integrate well for making video calls, does it support multimedia and more. There are many online video chat apps available where you can have tons of fun!
Also, if you are buying the phone that looks appealing and new, do run a test to check if its working or not. Test the screen, makes some swipes to ensure everything is working, note down all the laughs as there might be some hidden issues to the internal circuitry.
Even if you are buying wholesale cell phones, don’t forget to check them for their look and technical specification. There are many suppliers who follow strict grading scale for their devices. There are full-functional as well as non-fully-functional grades to differentiate devices from each other. In this way, you know what you are buying regardless of the stock you select.
Check Out The Fake Phones:
With the technological updates, there’s no denying that the market is a plethora of phones that are just the clone of the original pieces. In fact, these models are also very difficult to discern from naked eyes.
Further, knowing that the device’s IMEI number, model number and the sticker’s of other mobile numbers are stuck inside the phone, the fraudsters still try to counterfeit the devices that show the same model number and have no resemblance to the real ones.
Therefore, to ensure that the seller is not fleecing you, you can run some security checks to ensure if you are getting a genuine model. Check out the phone’s model number, and other technical specifications. You can dig in the hardware specifications to check if they match with those that are outlined for the particular model.
Do Check The Usability Accessories And Ports:
If you are buying a used phone with the accessories, make sure to check them carefully. Check, if the charger is working by connecting the phone to the cord and keeping the tabs open for some time.
Do check for the abnormalities like if the phone battery is draining-out quickly, or the device getting heated too quickly. Also, analyze if the earphones are working by plugging them into the device. Make a quick USB port by performing a quick data transfer to ensure that the port is working.
Go For Physical Inspections:
Now that you know that the phone is not stolen nor fake take some time and shift your spying skills to the phone’s physical well-being. As basic as sound, buyers forget to give enough time to examine the used phone from all angles.
Lastly, used mobile phones also have their fair share of wear and tear, and they also don’t come with any warranty, due to which they are negotiable.