How to Fix Canon Error Code b200 – Troubleshoot Guide

It can be very frustrating for the users when they are going to print something and there are faced by an error code. This is among the greatest fears when it comes to the users of the Canon printers.
Most of the time the users are going to face the Canon printer error b200. This amongst the most frustrating errors out there. Although the error may seem complex at the start, there are some methods that you can follow.
There could be various causes for this error that might be causing it. Here let us take a look at the various possible reasons why this error might be occurring.
What Are The causes For the Canon b200 error?
Well, when you see that your printer is causing this error, what could be the most possible reason? Well, most of the times the reason is the faulty print head. The print head is actually a part of where the printer is going to distribute the ink from the cartridge of the paper.
This means it is the most important part of the printer. The printer head can be a little problematic in most of the printers and can easily give you the Canon printer error b200 or error 5b00. Whenever you see this error, you will know that something is not right with the printer head.
There are some steps that you need to follow in order to fix Canon error b200. You need to try these fixes before you are going to replace the entire device.
Resetting the printer
In order to reset the printer, you need to unplug all the cables out from your printer and then leave it like this for at least a minute. This is because a good reset sometimes is all that it needs. The reset might pull the trick that the advanced solutions just could not.
Allow the printer to cool down for a minute till you replug the wires. After a while, replug all the wires and turn it back on. Take a print to make sure whether it is still giving the error or not.
Remove all the obstructions
The issue might also be related to the connection that has been made to the print head. What you need to do is to open the door of the printer. This way the print head will also move so that you can have access to it.
After that carefully disconnect it so that you can take out the printer. Make sure that you clean the print head properly. If you are going to clean the printhead manually, then you can do that with a non-oil cleaner. Make sure that you are going to let it sit for a while so that it can be dry.
Make sure that you are being very careful as the printheads are very fragile.
Remove the old ink
You might not be aware of this but there is hardened ink that is trapped inside the printhead. You need to make sure that you clear it off by running it under the hot tap water. After that, dry it with a paper towel and then insert it agai9n into the printer.
New ink cartridge
The issue of Canon Printer Error b200 can also be related to an ink cartridge that is almost faulty or empty. This can easily happen when you have been using the printer for a while.
In this case, you need to make sure that you change the Ink cartridge or if you are unaware of how to do so, then you can read the user manual.
In Conclusion
These are among the best and most reliable solution for the Canon printer error b200. If you are still unable to resolve the error, then it could mean that you need to get in touch with the canon printer services or get a new printer.